
K10 is a new media artist group who specializes in blockchain art. We blend cutting-edge technology, data, and interactive elements in our work, exploring themes of identity, ownership, and value. Our goal is to continue pushing the boundaries of blockchain art, collaborating with others to develop new tools and platforms for creating and distributing this emerging art form.

Ordinal XXX

50 pornstars incribed on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> xxx.k10.wtf

Ordinal Portraits

100 self-portraits incribed on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> me.k10.wtf

Super Cool Peeps

10,000 unique on-chain PFPs living on the Ethereum blockchain.
> supercoolpeeps.com


911 unique on-chain arts living on the Ethereum blockchain.
> nudemenft.com
> nudemenft.com/clock
> nudemenft.com/checks